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Sunflower - Autumn Beauty - 1 Packet

Liberty Garden - Sunflower - Autumn Beauty
Annual for Full Sun

Autumn Beauty contains an impressive mixture of bright yellow, orange, bronze and purple shadows on 8"-9" flowers that will produce blooms on the many branches from summer till fall.

Culture: The small seeds should be planted 6" apart in deeply dug soil to accommodate the roots which need plenty of space. Seedlings should be thinned to 1" apart. Fertile soil will produce the best plants. They grow in most any soil with good drainage. When leaves first appear thin to about 12" apart. Heat and drought tolerant.

Height: 8'
Planting Depth: 1/4"
Seed Spacing: 6"
Thinning Height: 3"
Spacing After Thinning: 2'
Days to Germination: 10 - 14
