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Pennington Wingmaster Game Bird Mix Seed - 40 lbs.

Pennington Wingmaster Game Bird Mix

Pennington Wingmaster Game Bird Mix makes an excellent supplemental food planting of seed producing plants and can greatly enhance food and habitat for game birds.

Planting Method: Always prepare the soil by plowing, smoothing and firming the seed bed. Good seed-soil contact is essential for a thick productive stand. Broadcast seeding by hand or with a spreader can produce good results if you are careful to cover the seed no deeper than 1/4 inch using a cultipacker, log or heavy drag to firm the soil after planting.

Seeding Rate:40 lbs. cover one acre

Planting Dates: In the spring after danger of frost

Fertility:Always lime and fertilize according to a soil test because woodland soils tend to be acidic and low in phosphorus. A soil test will tell you how much to use, and information on taking soil tests can be obtained from your local County Extension Office.
