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Trinity 1.69 Fungicide - Half Gallon

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Trinity 1.69 Fungicide

Trinity fungicide is a broad-spectrum fungicide formulated as a suspension concentrate. The best disease control is achieved when Trinity is applied in a regularly scheduled protective spray program and used in a rotation program with other fungicides. Trinity may also be used as a curative for certain diseases. Trinity has good residual activity against target fungi. Failure to follow directions and precautions on this label may result in injury and/or inferior disease control.
Use On:Turfgrass: Cemeteries, commercial, institutional, municipal, and residential lawns, golf courses, parks, recreation areas, sod farms. Ornamentals: Greenhouses, lathhouses, shadehouses, outdoor nurseries, containers, and interiorscapes.
Controls: Downy Mildew, Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Snow Mold, Anthracnose, Fairy Ring, Red Thread, Rust, Summer Patch, and more.Rate of use:Between 0.5 - 2.0 fl. oz. per 1000 sq. ft.
Active Ingredients: triticonazole - 19.2%

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