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Garden Bean Pencil Pod Black Wax Seed - 1 Packet

Pencil Pod Black Wax Bush Bean Seeds

Sets a good yield of yellow, long string pods on an upright bush. Excellent fresh, frozen, or canned. Non-genetically engineered seeds.

Any good, well drained soil with a pH above 6 will grow beans. Beans do not tolerate cool wet soil. After last frost date, with soil temperature above 50 degrees, sow seeds 2" (5 cm.) apart, 1" (2.5 cm.) deep, in rows 30" (76 cm.) apart. Thinning is not necessary. For continuous supply, plant every three weeks until July 15th.

Harvest:Maturity 50-60 days.

Nutrition: Good source of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins A and C.

To cook beans: wash, cut, place in boiling water 8-10 minutes on simmer. Season and serve.

Planting depth: 1 1/2" (4 cm.)
Seed spacing: 3" (8 cm.)
Spacing between rows: 30" (76 cm.)
Days to germination: 8-16
Days to maturity: 50-60
