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Spike 20P Specialty Herbicide - 25 Lbs.

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Spike 20P Specialty Herbicide

Spike 20P herbicide provides premium, long-term control of the toughest brush species. Most brush herbicides are applied to foliage and work into the brush from the leaves down. Spike 20P works differently than other methods because it is applied to the soil surface and works through the root system to achieve brush control. With the active ingredient tebuthiuron, Spike 20P is formulated as heavy, high-density clay pellets that stay stable on the soil surface and resist breakdown. This formulation makes Spike 20P a smart choice when drift is a concern.

  • Works from the roots up to control brush
  • Premium long-lasting control of the toughest brush species
  • Controls big sage, shinnery and other oaks, tarbush and creosote bush
  • Ideal for sagebrush thinning and brush sculpting programs
  • Enhances grazing and wildlife habitat
  • Use on rangeland, pastures, clearings for wildlife and other noncropland areas
  • Apply any time the soil is not frozen or saturated with moisture

The maximum use rate and frequency of application is 1 to 2 lb a.i./acre once every three years for vulnerable sites where soils are sandy and depth to water table is shallow. For all other areas, the maximum use rate and frequency of application is up to 4 lb a.i./acre once every three years and no more than two treatments totaling of 6 lb a.i./acre in any 6 year period. Spot Treatments (Hand Application or Hand-held Equipment): May be applied at rates up to 6 lb a.i./acre when needed.

Active Ingredient:
tebuthiuron: N-[5-(1,1-dimethylethyl)- 1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl]- N,N'-dimethylurea ........................................................... 20%Other Ingredients ............................................................................ 80%Total ............................................................................................... 100%Contains 0.2 pound active ingredient per pound of product.


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