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Compass Ornamental Fungicide - 1 Lb.

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Compass O 50WDG Fungicide
Compass O is a mesostemic fungicide that provides 14-21 days of control on a variety of pathogens. It offers both contact as well as translaminar control at very low rates. Use Compass O in a rotation with Strike or a variety of other fungicides for a season of pathogen clean growing. Compass O may be used on woody and herbaceous ornamentals grown in greenhouses, nurseries, interorscapes, lath, and shade houses.
Pests controlled:
Powdery Mildew, Botrytis, Anthracnose, Septoria Leaf Spot, Myrothecium, Rust, Scab, Blackspot, Downy Mildew, Rhizoctonia Root Rot.

Rate of use:
1-4 oz./100 gallons of water. See label for full instructions.
Active ingredient:
50% Trifloxystrobin

For professional use only.

Product Label
