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Strike Plus 50 WDG Fungicide - 1 Lb.

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Strike Plus 50 WDG Fungicide

Strike Plus 50 WDG is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide for the control of listed foliar and stem diseases of ornamentals including flowers, foliage plants, shrubs, shade trees and non-bearing fruit trees grown in nurseries, garden centers, and greenhouse.
Rate of use:Foliar Diseases: Apply 3 - 9 oz. Strike per 100 gallons of spray solution. Apply as a full-coverage spray to the point of drip and repeat at 14 - 28-day intervals.Greenhouse Applications: Mix 1.2 - 2.4 ounces Strike Plus in 100 gallons of water and apply as a full coverage foliage spray to the point of drip.
Active Ingredients:Trifloxystrobin - 8.33% Triadimefon - 41.67%

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