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Amdro Fire Ant Bait

Amdro Fire Ant Bait Granules

Amdro fire ant bait controls imported and native fire ants and other ants, such as harvester ants, bigheaded ants and Argentine ants. Amdro fire ant bait is for use ONLY on lawns, landscaped areas, golf courses, commercial grounds, parks and other noncropland areas, as well as on grounds surrounding poultry houses (excluding runs and ranges) or corrals and other animal holding areas. Do not graze or feed treated lawn or sod clippings to livestock. Avoid direct exposure of animals to Amdro granules.

Rate of application: 2-5 tablespoons per mound, or 2-4 ounces per 5000 sq. ft. for large, infested areas.
Active ingredient: 0.73% Hydramethylnon
