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Hexygon IQ Miticide - 1 Quart

Hexygon Ovicide/MiticideHexygon IQ Miticide

Hexygon is a proven long lasting miticide, providing consistent residual control for up to 60 days in proper conditions. Hexygon's unique mode of action provides effective ovicidal and immature stage control. Adult female mites exposed to sprays or foliar deposits of Hexygon will lay non-viable eggs--controlling mite population through life cycle interruption.

Hexygon is ideal in an IPM program, compatible with most horticultural pesticides and adjuvants. Use on ornamental plants, as well as nonbearing trees and vines growing in nurseries and greenhouses. Hexygon is also ideal for established ornamental landscape plantings. The granular formulation is easy to measure, mix, and handle with low use rates and minimal PPE required.

Rate of use:3-6 oz./acre

Active ingredient: 50% Hexythiazox

Product Label
