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(Backorder Spring 2025) Knock Out Double Red Rose Plant

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Knock Out Double Red Roses


Type: Shrub

From the same cross that produced the original Knock Out rose, The Double Knock Out® rose represents the next generation in the family of The Knock Out roses. The full double flowers look just like a classic rose. It is as resistant to black spot as the famous original, has the same bloom cycle, and is slightly more winter hardy.

 Apologies as we are unable to ship to the West Coast due to transit time.


Knock Out roses are easy to grow, not requiring much care. They are very disease-resistant and heat-tolerant, which adds to their appeal. Newly planted roses require regular watering until established. Water deeply when you plant it and whenever the top 3 inches of soil are dry to encourage deep roots. Double Knock Out has superior drought tolerance once established. Hardiness zones range from 5-11.

