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Marco Polo White Clover "RAW"

Marco Polo is a large-leafed white clover known for quick establishment and winter growth.


It is ideal for boosting pasture productivity, improving wildlife food plots, building pollinator habit, adding nitrogen, and stabilizing the soil.

Marco Polo grows as tall as typical ladino clovers and boosts large leaves.

Marco Polo was bred to be winter active, giving producers the advantage of higher total forage production for the year. Increased winter activity should also be beneficial for increasing fall wildlife activity.

In more mild climates, Marco Polo may remain active the entire winter season. Caution should be taken in colder regions where extended days of sub-freezing temperatures without snow cover are common throughout the winter months. In such locations, Marco Polo stands may experience cold damage and winter kill. In mature stands, some regrowth can be expected either from existing plants or germination of hard seed.

Once established and properly managed, Marco Polo should provide numerous years of free nitrogen and protein-rich feed. Longevity will depend on location and management. In hotter regions with predominately warm-season species, Marco Polo should last at least 1-2 years, while in cooler climates it should live 3-5 years, or longer. Broadcast 1 lb/acre of seed annually, or as needed.

Seeding Rate

Pure Stand5 lbs/ac Mix with Grasses1-2 lbs/ac Established Grass Pasture2-3 lbs/ac

Planting Dates

Southern USA Late fall (when there is adequate moisture) Upper Southern USA Mid-late fall or early spring Northern USA Early fall or early spring (frost seeding works well)

Planting Map

Planting Depth


Optimal pH



Apply lime, potassium and phosphorus per soil test. No nitrogen is necessary.

For pastures, a 25-30% clover percentage is recommended. Bloat is a concern for pastures exceeding 35% white clover. The percentage of Marco Polo in a stand can be managed using these tools: grazing or mowing height, fertilization, and reseeding.

To increase the amount of Marco Polo: Graze or mow more frequently at lower heights. This allows Marco Polo plants to increase their photosynthesis activity, and excite more stolon growth. Regularly fertilize with nitrogen-free fertilizer based on soil test recommendation. Lastly, over seed thin areas with more Marco Polo.

To decrease the amount of Marco Polo: Increase grazing and mowing heights, fertilize with nitrogen, and introduce other desired plants. 

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