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Penncross is a creeping bentgrass released through Penn State University. With an aggressive, upright growth habit, Penncross' vigor and wear tolerance have made it the most widely used creeping bentgrass in the golf industry. Featuring a dark green turf, Penncross combines good heat and cold tolerance with the ability to withstand consistent low mowing heights.
Penncross is tolerant of both heat and cold, and is adaptable to a wide variety of climates throughout the West.
WEAR RESISTANCE AND RECOVERY: Penncross was developed to withstand and recover from the normal use and wear given to a golf green. Excessive use and damage may require repair and recovery time.
Penncross has only moderate shade tolerance. Other factors associated with shade, such as poor air circulation and wet soils will frequently weaken the turf.
Penncross prefers a moderately acidic soil with good moisture holding ability and requires good drainage to perform ft its optimum. Soil or water high in salts may be a limiting factor in the growth of healthy Penncross. Salinity levels should be determined prior to specifying.
Newly planted Penncross should be watered daily and kept wet for the first 10-14 days. The sod should not be allowed to dry out. Once the sod has begun to establish a new root system, watering frequency should be reduced.
Creeping Bentgrass require an intensive turf management program that begins immediately after establishment. A green's type mower is an absolute must for mowing, and a well managed program of fertilization and weed and disease control is required. Due to its high cultural requirements, the most successful creeping bentgrass turf areas are those cared for by turf grass professionals who are well versed in its management.
From my experience, growing bent grass is all about having the right conditions. If you get the right temps, soil, and moisture, this stuff is a slam dunk. Great rate of germination, fills in nice, looks great, beautiful color and shape. Highly recommended.
From my experience, growing bent grass is all about having the right conditions. If you get the right temps, soil, and moisture, this stuff is a slam dunk. Great rate of germination, fills in nice, looks great, beautiful color and shape. Highly recommended.
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