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Squash Zucchini Black Beauty Seed - 1 Packet

Zucchini Black Beauty Squash Seeds

55 days. A summer squash borne on dwarf bush vines; yields a plentiful supply throughout the summer. Fruits are cylindrical, long, smooth, dark-green black; flesh greenish white at eating stage and of good flavor. Non-genetically engineered seeds.

Requires very rich soil as squash is a voracious feeder. Sow 6-8 seeds in groups (hills) 3'-4' (90-120 cm.) apart. Thin to 2-3 plants per group. Water regularly from time of flowering until fruits ripen.

Harvest: 50-60 days, yield is very good, keep plants picked to promote more fruit. Best when picked young.

Suggestion: Cook with tomato and onions or by itself, smothered in tomato sauce. Can be used to make zucchini bread.

Planting depth: 1/2"-1" (2-2.5 cm.)
Seeds per group (hill): 6-8
Spacing between seeds: 3" (7.5 cm.)
Spacing of groups (hills): 3'-4' (90-120 cm.)
Days to germination: 10-14
Thin to plants per group (hill): 2-3
Days to maturity: 50-60
