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Treflan Easy Weeder Granular Herbicide - 6 Lbs.

Treflan Easy Weeder Granular Herbicide

This product prevents many broadleaf and grass weeds from germinating around listed flowers, bulbs, vegetables, roses, trees, shrubs, and ground covers. It provides all-season weed control, eliminating difficult and time consuming hand weeding. Without weeds to compete for space, plant nutrients and water, your valuable plants can grow larger, stronger, and healthier.Controls: Annual Bluegrass, Barnyardgrass, Crabgrass, Stinging Nettle, Goosegrass, Foxtail, Carpetweed, and others.
Rate of use:Use 1/4 cup per 40-80 sq. ft.
Active Ingredients: Trifluralin - 1.47%

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