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For Superior, Low Maintenance Landscaping
6 Lbs. Bags - Plants 6000 Sq.ft.
Dark green color and medium fine leaf produces a superior lawn or golf course fairway, tee or rough. Shade tolerance and dense growth habit allows means this lawn grass is widely adaptable to virtually any place in the landscape with some sun or light shade exposure.
Zenith Zoysia is the first synthetic cross zoysiagrass and the result of years of research. First introduced in 1990, this unique zoysiagrass sod is also available in seed form.
Zenith Zoysia provides a dark-green, medium-textured turf for use in home lawns, commercial landscapes, golf courses, sports fields and roadsides from Miami to Baltimore and west to Kansas City and beyond.
The Zoysia seed must be planted when the ground temperature is 67 degrees or higher. This is a very slow germinating seed and may take between 2-3 months to germinate.
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Traditional Farmers
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